Discover The Word

Privacy Policy: La Tranquillité

Effective Date: May 2024

Our commitment lies in safeguarding the privacy and security of our clients’ personal information. This Privacy Policy elucidates the processes employed for the collection, utilization, disclosure, and protection of shared data. By availing yourself of our services, you implicitly agree to adhere to this policy.

Information Collected:

We may gather a diverse range of personal information from our clients, including, but not limited to, names, contact details (such as email addresses, telephone numbers, and postal addresses), and identification particulars. Additionally, we may collect data necessary to tailor travel experiences, including preferences, dislikes, and other individualized details, alongside information essential for payment processing and billing management. Furthermore, data may be acquired through cookies and other methods upon accessing our website.

Utilization of Data:

The data amassed serves various purposes, including offering customized travel services aligned with your needs and expectations, communicating pertinent details about your travel plans, facilitating payment transactions and reservations, enhancing service quality and website capabilities, and ensuring compliance with legal requirements while safeguarding against fraudulent behavior.

Sharing and Disclosure of Data:

We are committed to not disclosing, exchanging, or renting your personal information to any third parties. However, we may share your data with trusted partners solely for the purpose of delivering goods and services or processing payments, under strict agreements prohibiting any alternative use of your information.

Data Security:

Recognizing the significance of protecting personal information, we implement measures aligned with industry standards to ensure its security. However, despite our efforts, we cannot guarantee complete security at all times due to the potential for unauthorized access, alteration, or publication of data.

Cookies and Similar Technologies:

Our website may utilize cookies and similar technologies to optimize user experience, track website usage, and collect information about your preferences. You can regulate cookies by adjusting your web browser settings; however, disabling cookies may affect the functionality of our website.

Third-Party Links:

We cannot guarantee the safety of your personal information if you choose to access third-party websites through links on our site. It is highly recommended that you carefully review and consider the privacy policies of these external sites before divulging any personal information.

Children’s Privacy:

We do not provide services to individuals aged 13 and under, nor do we knowingly collect any data from them. If you believe we have data from a child in this age range, please contact us, and we will promptly delete it.

Changes to the Privacy Policy:

This Privacy Policy may be updated periodically to reflect changes in our procedures or legal requirements. Significant changes will be made by posting the updated policy on our website.

If you have any queries or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy or the processing of your personal data, please complete the contact form. We take your inquiries seriously and are committed to maintaining your trust in our travel agency.